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32. Exploring Smart Contact Lenses and Transhumanism with Roman Axelrod

In this riveting episode of the Mizter Rad Show, we delve into the extraordinary world of technological innovation with Roman Axelrod, the visionary co-founder of XPANCEO. Based in the UAE, XPANCEO is at the forefront of merging human biology with cutting-edge technology. This episode explores their pioneering work on small, contact lens-sized computers, which promise to redefine the intersection of health monitoring and augmented reality.

Roman Axelrod and his team have developed prototypes of contact lenses that can display monochrome images and measure various biological parameters. Looking ahead, they aim to enhance these lenses to show multi-color displays and support more sophisticated biometric tracking. But it doesn't stop there. These wearable devices are designed to feel just like regular contact lenses, made possible through the use of groundbreaking materials like graphene. With properties 300 times more rigid than steel, graphene ensures the lenses are transparent, biocompatible, and highly efficient in conducting electricity.

During the episode, Roman underscores the importance of the UAE's strategic and welcoming environment, which has been a magnet for top scientific minds due to its excellent climate, quality of life, and logistical convenience. This has enabled XPANCEO to thrive, positioning them well for human trials of their contact lenses as early as 2026.

Their vision goes far beyond just health tracking and augmented reality. Roman envisions a future where physical and digital realities coexist seamlessly. With potential applications to enhance human capabilities—like granting night vision, locking doors with a glance, or accessing real-time information directly through the contact lens—the possibilities are boundless. Roman discusses how these lenses could eventually serve as non-invasive neural interfaces, receiving commands and gathering information directly from the brain.

However, this potential surge in digital information necessitates a mindful approach. Roman raises concerns about the brain's capacity to handle excessive digital data, emphasizing the need for balance to maintain human well-being. He also offers sage advice to young individuals: listen to your instincts and desires rather than yielding to societal pressures. Independent decision-making is crucial as we navigate this rapidly evolving technological landscape.

For those curious about the future of transhumanism and smart contact lenses, this episode is a must-listen.

Tune in to the Mizter Rad Show for this fascinating discussion on the next frontier of human-machine integration, and get a glimpse of how XPANCEO is paving the way toward a futuristic, augmented reality.

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artificial intelligence Mario Rueda artificial intelligence Mario Rueda

31. Enhancing Human Intelligence: Louis Rosenberg on Collective Superintelligence.

**Mizter Rad**: Welcome back, listeners! Today we've got a fascinating discussion lined up with Louis Rosenberg, an expert in AI, AR, VR, and the mind-bending concept of collective superintelligence. Louis, it's great to have you with us.

**Louis Rosenberg**: Thanks, Rad. It’s exciting to be here and dive into these topics that are really shaping our future.

**Mizter Rad**: Let’s start with Thinkscape. You’ve seen groups, using this software, perform at extraordinary levels on tasks like IQ tests. What does this tell us about the potential of collective intelligence?

**Louis Rosenberg**: It’s quite profound, Rad. Thinkscape enables groups to pool their cognitive resources and insights, resulting in decision-making and problem-solving that can exceed the abilities of any single member. Imagine applying this to critical global issues or innovation challenges. The uplift in collective IQ we've observed suggests we could significantly accelerate progress and solutions.

**Mizter Rad**: And shifting gears a bit, you’ve worked extensively with mixed reality. How do you see technologies like Apple’s Vision Pro changing our interaction with digital content?

**Louis Rosenberg**: The Vision Pro and similar technologies mark a pivotal transition from interacting with digital content on flat screens to experiencing it right in our physical world. This seamless integration could fundamentally change everything from everyday tasks to how we connect with each other, making our digital interactions more natural and intuitive.

**Mizter Rad**: There’s a darker side to these technologies, though. You've warned about potential privacy issues and manipulative uses of AI. Can you expand on those concerns?

**Louis Rosenberg**: Absolutely, Rad. While these technologies can enhance our capabilities, they also open up worrying avenues for surveillance and manipulation. Imagine AI systems that know you better than you know yourself and can influence your decisions without you even realizing it. It’s imperative that we establish robust regulations to prevent such scenarios.

**Mizter Rad**: Before we wrap, tell us about your vision for the metaverse and its impact on human connection.

**Louis Rosenberg**: The metaverse has the potential to redefine human interaction. By blending the digital and physical worlds, we can create experiences that are not only immersive but also enriching and connective. However, it’s crucial that we tread carefully to avoid creating a space that isolates us from the tangible world and each other.

**Mizter Rad**: Louis, thanks for sharing your insights today. It’s clear that while the road ahead is filled with incredible possibilities, it also requires careful consideration and responsible handling.

**Louis Rosenberg**: Thanks for having me, Rad. It’s an exciting time, and I look forward to seeing how we navigate this new era, collectively and wisely.

**Mizter Rad**: To our listeners, thanks for tuning in. Don’t forget to think about how these technologies might be shaping not just the future, but your everyday life. Catch you in the next episode!

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